Condo Development

Condominium Conversion

Converting existing buildings to condominiums can have many financial and legal advantages. Condominium conversions can also have hidden problems. Our experts can give you the right advice to avoid the problems and save you money. We can also refer you to trusted legal and architectural professionals to assist you with your conversion.

Bareland Condominium

Bareland condominiums or ‘bare land’ condominiums are very similar to regular subdivisions but have some added benefits and risks. Bareland condominiums can provide advantages for development costs, but special considerations are needed during the development. Our experts can guide you through the process and provide you with the right advice.

Phillips & Stevens is an active industry supporter of:

Professional Surveyors Canada
Association of Manitoba Land Surveyors
Association of Canada Lands Surveyors
The National COR Standard Certificate of Recognition
Consulting Surveyors Manitoba